Indoor Plants: A Natural Air Cleaning Alternative

Business Week quote:

"An easy way to improve air quality is to add plants. Plants are especially effective at cleaning polluted air."

Are you concerned about the quality of the air you breathe? Of course you are and you are among a growing number of Californians becoming increasingly concerned about the quality of the air found in their homes and offices.

Modern, energy efficient buildings may save on energy costs, but the lack of air circulation allows the accumulation of potentially harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene (TCE). These gases come from such seemingly innocent sources as furniture, carpeting, building materials, household cleaning agents, paint, solvent, and office equipment such as photocopying machines.

The build-up of these gases often results in itchy eyes, drowsiness, headaches and lethargy; common signs of what is known as Sick Building Syndrome.

1. Plants offer a means to decrease stress while enhancing productivity
2. Interior plants lower O&M (Operations and Maintenance) costs while contributing to ‘Green Building’ design considerations.
3. Plants in the workplace attract, retain and enhance attitude of today’s selective employee.
4. The dramatic aesthetic value inherent in indoor landscaping has continued to be the number one return on interior plant investments.
5. It’s finally possible to have an energy efficient building without “Sick Building Syndrome!” Plants help with bottom line savings on mounting sick leave expenses.
6. Plants help reduce distractions due to office noise and visual distractions.

-Indoor Plants Clean The Air We Breathe-

Research scientists have learned that common tropical plants can effectively reduce the levels of noxious gases found in virtually all indoor environments.

Every year you go on holidays in order to recover from the Hectic year and take in some fresh air. The need to do this is literally in your genes. In the 100,000 years that humans (homo sapiens) have been on Earth, nature has always offered us food and shelter. This is why just looking at greenery can trigger a feeling of relaxation and well-being in people – and that is why we like to give plants or flowers as gifts to mark significant events.

Researchers have discovered that looking at greenery can lead to a demonstrable reduction in stress within five minutes. Hospital patients with a view of greenery recover more quickly than patients who do not have such a view. The fact that a similar effect occurs when plants are introduced into the workplace will therefore come as not surprise.
But the results will!

The environment in an office needs to be pleasant, not too cold and not too hot and no draughts. In winter, when the heating is going full blast, it can be particularly tricky to ensure that the environment is- and remains- “comfortable”. Humidity can pose a particular problem, since it is below 30% in many offices.

The consequences for the “inhabitants” of any office are dry membranes in the mouth and nose, irritated eyes, headaches and skin complaints. These are things which are not only disastrous for a sense of “comfort”, but also pose a direct threat to health.

Even in offices with climate control systems which are perfectly installed and expertly managed, more than 25% of the people are dissatisfied with the climate-and that really is a very high percentage.

Luckily there is a natural alternative to this purely mechanical approach and it is to introduce plants into the offices in a workplace. More than 97% of the water given to a plant is returned to the indoor climate through the leaves keeping humidity at a reasonable level.

A scientific study was carried out in Norway into the effect of plants on the health of people working in the Radiology department at the Norske Radium Hospital .

After the combination of plants and artificial daylight were introduced into the department, the level of health problems amongst the people concerned fell significantly.


Dry throat -31%

Coughing -38%

Fatigue -32%

Headache -45%

Within six months, the introduction of the combination of plants and artificial daylight resulted in a structural reduction in the average absence due to illness in the department from 15% to 5%.

Research in the Netherlands also shows that people who work with a VDU for more than four hours a day feel better and are more productive thanks to plants in the workplace!

Anyone wanting to benefit themselves, their colleagues and the company should therefore ensure that “green co-workers” appear in the workplace. Not only do they ensure a better working atmosphere by creating a “natural” environment for people, but they also silently create a better indoor climate.

Many people are justifiably worried about the environment, the chopping down of rainforests and the destruction of our valuable natural resources. Companies are also increasingly willing to take on social responsibility for the environment and therefore consciously strive for a “green” image. Naturally that “green” image must then also be reflected in the company's own premises.

As an employee, you can demand this of your employer.

Furthermore, there are substantial benefits to the company, less absence due to illness and better performance. Plans at Work should therefore form part of what is nowadays called “Workplace Health Promotion” (WHP).

Information supplied by GBW De Bleek 13 – Postbus 500 3440 AM Woerden Holland


Interior plants are an important component of any buildings interior design. Plants not only enhance the appearance of the installation, they offer bottom line benefits that translate into real dollars and cents.

  • Increased tenant attraction and retention
  • Increased productivity
  • Decrease in workplace stress
  • Decrease in absenteeism
  • Improved morale
  • Improved indoor air quality

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